Saturday, November 3, 2012

30 Days of Thanks: Days 1-3

I have several Facebook friends who are participating in the "Thirty Days of Thankfulness" this November via their status updates.  I figure it's a good bandwagon to jump on, but I am opting to do it here instead (I will inevitably miss days, and it is just easier to catch up on a blog.)

November 1:  Not gonna lie, I was so tired on Thursday--I was grateful for espresso.  You think I'm starting out lame right out of the gate, don't you?  "She should be thankful Iran hasn't launched a nuke at anyone, and she's throwing out coffee."  Well...yeah.  I am.  The coffee place in the hospital where I work is amazing.  The amount of money I spend there is not amazing.  On a dark morning, there is nothing better than walking over to the baristas for a vanilla latte, maybe with a little honey in it.  It gives me some exercise, a chance to talk football with the valet, and the windows overlooking the garden are a beautiful connection to urban St. Paul.  Along with the espresso shots, I am thankful for the handful of people I typically cross paths with on that morning walk.

November 2:  Dr. Mark Askew.  Who is this mystery man I have never mentioned, you ask?  The surgeon who repaired both my torn ACLs--our first (of six) trips into the OR together happened on November 2, 1995.  Why am I able to hike, ski, run, suffer through P90X, or wear high heels?  Because of this guy.

Don't tell Jon how much I paid for this coat.  BUT, IT WAS ON SALE!

November 3:  I have a whole list today!  One thing I am grateful for is a quirk I inherited from my mom.  Her body makes an abundance of platelets, and mine does, too.  I gave some away this morning--I hope they help a sick person feel good enough to make memories with a loved one, or to see a sunrise.  Then I had lunch with my cousin and her daughter, who I haven't seen in way too long.  We wrapped today up with a recipe for chicken tortilla soup my friend Amy gave me.  I still have the copy with all her handwritten notes on it, and it is one of our favorite meals.  So, I am thankful that she was willing to share it.

Negativity is easy...but gratitude is easier.  Looking forward to hearing what YOU are grateful for throughout November, too.

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